Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

  • Director –Dave Ostrander



Monday – Friday 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM



(815) 941-6778



1320 Union St. Morris IL 60450


About the Grundy County GIS Department

The Grundy County GIS Department manages Grundy County’s cooperative, multi-department, enterprise GIS. The GIS Department strives to produce efficient, high-quality GIS leadership, coordination, infrastructure, and services to meet the business needs of county departments and the residents we serve within Grundy County. The GIS department’s strategic vision is rooted in four guiding principles: First, to minimize technology investments by clearly understanding the business goals of county departments’, and supporting technology solutions to meet them. Second, to embrace innovative industry best practices, develop standardized GIS technology solutions, and optimize information sharing in order to eliminate any duplication of effort. Third, build and maintain a GIS infrastructure that is scalable, reliable, and secure. Fourth, the GIS department should foster an environment and culture that promotes open government policies in order to safeguard public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration.



To achieve these goals, the Grundy County GIS Department is organized to:


  • Increase efficiencies and effectiveness of spatial data and GIS applications across county departments
  • Provide a valued regional resource of spatial information and GIS expertise
  • Improve the quality of decision making and delivery of services for Grundy County
  • Continue logical, enterprise-based and business-driven development of GIS data, applications, systems, staff, and regional coordination
  • Coordinate countywide GIS hardware and software purchases and maintenance contracts
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